Abortion Amendment Information | Our Lady of Hope Catholic Church

Abortion Amendment Information

Basic information about the Extreme Abortion Amendment to the Virginia Constitution


Because we failed to turn out the pro-life vote in November of 2023, when every seat in the Virginia General Assembly was on the ballot, we currently have an extreme and pro-abortion majority in both the House of Delegates and the Senate. Unsurprisingly there is all manner of ugly legislation moving through
this session. We are counting on Governor Youngkin’s veto to maintain sanity.

Sadly, this pro-abortion majority is also seizing the moment to advance the extreme abortion amendment knowing it cannot be vetoed by the governor. Here is the process to amend the Virginia Constitution: A resolution must pass both chambers by a simple majority in consecutive sessions with a general election in between. If it passes twice, it then goes to the people as a ballot initiative. If a majority of voters approve the resolution the constitution is amended.

So, the extreme abortion amendment has passed for the first time already this session. Every seat in the House of Delegates is on the ballot in November 2025. If the pro-abortion majority is voted back in, then the amendment will surely pass in early 2026. This then sends it to the people as a ballot initiative in November of 2026. We have seen over a dozen state constitutions fall to ballot initiatives since Dobbs. Abortion proponents are well-funded and therefore easily able to flood the media with fear, lies, and confusion.

However, there is hope. We must and we can stop this amendment. The brakes on this train are in our hands. Pro-lifers must be educated and engaged on this issue, and we MUST vote to ensure a pro-life majority is returned to the Virginia House of Delegates this fall. Lives depend on it.

Ten Reasons to Oppose the Extreme Abortion Amendment:

 It doesn’t follow the science: An unborn child (zygote/fetus/embryo) is not “Tissue” but a living human being with a right to life. Even Roe recognized a state interest in protecting the unborn life later in pregnancy. The child figures not at all in this amendment.
 Parental consent laws will be eliminated. The amendment says “every individual” not every adult so it means minors can act without the “burden” of parental involvement.
 Allows for late-term abortion on demand even weakening Virginia’s current regulation of third trimester abortions.
 The General Assembly shall be unable to pass health and safety standards for the health and well-being of women.
 The General Assembly shall be unable to ensure by statute that abortions must be performed by physicians.
 There are no protections for conscience rights or religious liberty objections. Will medical providers be coerced into acting against their deeply held beliefs?
 This amendment will force taxpayers to fund abortion.
 The vague, undefined language of “reproductive freedom” will include whatever a court says it does, foreseeably including abortion, contraception, sterilization and so-called “sex-change” operations—even for minors.
 Enactment of this amendment places women and girls at risk, turns Virginia into the abortion capital of the South and potentially shields even sex-traffickers.
 This amendment is too extreme and not in step with the values of a majority of Virginians. For more information contact Amy McInerny at amy.mcinerny@arlingtondiocese.org

Posted on March 12, 2025