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OLOH Weather Policy
Our Lady of Hope Roman Catholic Church
Potomac Falls, Virginia
Emergency / Inclement Weather Policy for Closures
Our Lady of Hope strives to make sure our parishioners remain safe, even in the event of inclement weather. As of 2022 we have established a policy in these circumstances.
Our Lady of Hope Catholic Church: We find it necessary in the event of inclement weather, or other emergency situations, to follow the guidance of The Loudoun County Government. If the local government is closed, Mass will be canceled and the parish center offices closed. In the event that they do not close and the Pastor deems it unsafe, an emergency alert will be broadcasted on our website and social media.
Aside: This policy also includes all parish events / meetings. Nobody, aside from parish staff / priests, will be permitted inside the building when a closure is activated.
Should additional information be needed please contact: Melisa Ryan at (703) 433-6770 or email at, if we’re closed please allow up to 24 hours for a response, Thank you.