Baptism is the sacrament by which Original Sin and all sin is washed away, sanctifying grace is infused into the soul, and a person becomes a child of God, a member of the Church, and a sharer in the saving mystery of our Lord’s passion, death, and resurrection.
Baptism at Our Lady of Hope
Baptisms are held on Sundays at 1:30 p.m. in the Church Baptistery (just off of the Church narthex).
(For private baptisms, please call the parish office for information)
To have your child baptized at Our Lady of Hope Parish, parents need to have been registered parishioners at Our Lady of Hope for at least three months, and they must attend a Baptism Class taught by Fr. Smith. The Baptism Class meets once a month on a Saturday at 11:00 a.m. We encourage you to attend the class before the birth of your child. Please contact the Parish Admin at 703-433-6770 to register for a class.
One of the great privileges and responsibilities of having your child baptized is selecting Godparents. You may select two Godparents for the child to be baptized: one male and one female. The Code of Canon Law, the official law of the entire Catholic Church, lists the requirements for Godparents.
Those wishing to be Godparents must be registered for at least three months at the parish (if they are Our Lady of Hope parishioners) and meet with either the Pastor or Parochial Vicar.
All Godparent requests must be submitted two weeks prior to the date of the baptism if outside the parish, and one week prior to the baptism for local.
Please call (703) 433-6770 for to receive the paperwork to request a baptism.
Baptismal dates are not firm till all original paperwork has been submitted in full and accepted by the Clergy of Our Lady of Hope. Any dates selected prior are contingent upon approval and all original documentation turned in. All original paperwork shall be submitted a week prior to the tentative date.