Updates (UPD 9/2/20)
Updated 09/02/2020
Public Masses have resumed at Our Lady of Hope, with accommodations in place to ensure the health and safety of our parish family. Please read the “Mass and Adoration Schedules” and “What to Expect at Mass” tabs carefully before joining us in person.
If you or those you care for are vulnerable to infection or the effects of COVID-19, please avoid gatherings of the general public, including liturgical celebrations. Those who are vulnerable include those who are over the age of 65, have existing heart or lung conditions, have diabetes, and/or are otherwise immuno-compromised.
If you feel sick in any way, or if you are coughing or sneezing frequently, please avoid public gatherings, including liturgical celebrations. Please join us from your home for one of our live streamed Masses.
A dispensation from Bishop Burbidge is in effect until further notice. This dispensation lifts the obligation of attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days. The allowance for the public celebration of Mass in no way intends to place an undue burden on the conscience of those, who out of concern for their own safety or the safety of others whom they regularly encounter, choose not to attend Mass while the dispensation is in effect.
We will continue to live stream Masses as we are able. A current schedule may be found on the “Masses and Adoration” tab.
If you are vulnerable to infection, sick, or concerned for your safety or the safety of those you regularly encounter, please continue to unite yourself prayerfully to the Mass via live stream.
The following precautions are still in place to prevent the spread of the coronavirus:
*Holy water fonts are empty.
*All hymnals, missals, and Bible have been removed from pews.
*Those showing common symptoms of illness and their families (fever, cough, body aches) have been asked to self-quarantine according to CDC guidelines.
A Message from Father Killian (UPD 9/2/20)
Updated 09/02/2020
Public Masses have resumed at Our Lady of Hope, with accommodations in place to ensure the health and safety of our parish family. Please read the “Mass and Adoration Schedules” and “What to Expect at Mass” tabs carefully before joining us in person.
If you or those you care for are vulnerable to infection or the effects of COVID-19, please avoid gatherings of the general public, including liturgical celebrations. Those who are vulnerable include those who are over the age of 65, have existing heart or lung conditions, have diabetes, and/or are otherwise immuno-compromised.
If you feel sick in any way, or if you are coughing or sneezing frequently, please avoid public gatherings, including liturgical celebrations. Please join us from your home for one of our live streamed Masses.
A dispensation from Bishop Burbidge is in effect until further notice. This dispensation lifts the obligation of attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days. The allowance for the public celebration of Mass in no way intends to place an undue burden on the conscience of those, who out of concern for their own safety or the safety of others whom they regularly encounter, choose not to attend Mass while the dispensation is in effect.
We will continue to live stream Masses as we are able. A current schedule may be found on the “Masses and Adoration” tab.
If you are vulnerable to infection, sick, or concerned for your safety or the safety of those you regularly encounter, please continue to unite yourself prayerfully to the Mass via live stream.
The following precautions are still in place to prevent the spread of the coronavirus:
*Holy water fonts are empty.
*All hymnals, missals, and Bible have been removed from pews.
*Those showing common symptoms of illness and their families (fever, cough, body aches) have been asked to self-quarantine according to CDC guidelines.
What to Expect at Mass (UPD 9/2/20)
All persons over the age of ten are expected wear a cloth face covering or disposable face mask while in the church. Face coverings will not be provided–please bring your own. You will need to remove your face covering when receiving Holy Communion. For health reasons, some members of the congregation may be unable to wear masks. In charity, we will respect this.
Those attending Mass are expected to disinfect their hands when entering the church, and are encouraged to do so again immediately before receiving Communion. Please bring your own hand sanitizer, which should contain at least 60% alcohol.
Every other pew will be blocked off, and households should maintain a social distance of six feet between other parishioners. Please be respectful of the limits and seating restrictions. If you choose a seat in a pew that is already occupied, please be respectful of your neighbors by ensuring adequate space between households. Above all, exercise charity and patience!
Please be mindful of maintaining six feet between households at all times, including when entering and exiting the church.
As a part of social distancing, we are omitting the Sign of Peace.
With regards to Holy Communion, all present who are in a state of grace may receive Communion. Those who have health concerns are not obliged. All are encouraged to disinfect their hands immediately before receiving Communion. To do this, it would be helpful to bring a small bottle of hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
The diocese says that “you retain the right to decide how to receive, whether on the tongue or in the hand. Please prayerfully consider temporarily receiving reverently in the hand.” But then it immediately goes on to add: “Please prayerfully consider temporarily receiving reverently in the hand.” The Diocese encourages each person to pray about his or her own decision regarding reception of Communion. The message here is, if at all possible, receive Communion in the hand. (Review the Diocesan Guide for the Lay Faithful here.)
It is not permitted to receive Communion in the hand while wearing gloves. If you are wearing gloves and will receive Communion in the hand, please remove your gloves before the reception of Communion.
Following the dismissal, please exit the church in an orderly fashion, maintaining social distance between households. Please do not linger for private prayer after Mass, as the church needs to be aired out and sanitized before the next Mass. If you would like to talk and spend time with someone, please do so outside the church.
We are so grateful for your continued support of our parish in continuing God’s work.
Collection boxes will be placed in the narthex. Please place all offerings (offertory, debt reduction, etc) in the collection boxes as you enter the church. Using your offertory envelopes is very helpful. Alternatively, weekly offerings may be mailed to the parish office. We strongly encourage parishioners to use Faith Direct to make their offering online.
The pews will be sanitized between Masses by our cleaning staff. Please do not use hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes, or other cleaners from home on the pews. We are blessed to have beautiful pews, and the cleaning staff is equipped with supplies that will protect both our parishioners and the finish on our pews.
We appreciate your patience and charity during this difficult time.
In summary, all who come to church are asked to wear a mask, practice social distancing, and if at all possible, receive Holy Communion in the hand.
Mass and Adoration Schedules
While public Mass is now permitted, Bishop Burbidge has still lifted the obligation to attend Sunday Mass for those who have health concerns or have regular contact with other are vulnerable. For those who would like to attend Mass in person, please abide by the guidelines found in the “What to Expect” tab. Your understanding, patience, and cooperation are greatly appreciated.
Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., and 12:15 p.m.
Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m.
Saturday: 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (Vigil)
The following Masses will offered via live-stream at ourladyofhope.net/stream
Monday through Saturday: 8:30 a.m. (Daily Mass)
Sunday: 9:00 and 10:30 a.m.
Each Thursday, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will begin at 9:00 a.m. and conclude with Benediction at 7:45 p.m.
Church and Office Hours
The church will be open for private prayer each day from 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m.
The office staff will be available to assist parishioners between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday. For the health, safety and well-being of our priests, parish family, and office staff, please consider contacting us via phone or email before coming into the office. Please wear a mask when visiting the office.
A pick-up/drop-off station has been set up outside the office. Items such as sacramental workbooks, registration forms, etc. may be placed in the “Drop Off” basket in front of the statue of the Blessed Mother.
Financial contributions of any kind may be placed in the collection box outside the office door. The box is secure and emptied throughout the day. Please be sure your donation is clearly labeled as weekly offering, debt reduction, WorkCamp, etc.
Confession and Anointing
Priests will be available for the Sacrament of Penance on Saturday mornings beginning at 9:00 a.m. The priests will be in their normal confessionals.
For everyone’s safety, penitents must remain behind the screen. Face-to-face confession will not be available during this time. Social distancing should be maintained by those waiting in line. Confession is also available by appointment for those with serious health concerns. Please call the office at (703) 433-6770 to schedule an appointment with either priest.
Anointing of the Sick
The sacrament of Anointing is still available for those who are in great need. Please call the office to arrange for the sacrament.