Becoming Catholic (OCIA) - Our Lady of Hope Catholic Church

Becoming Catholic (OCIA)

Phil Girardi, Coordinator



Are you thinking of becoming Catholic?

Were you Baptized Catholic, but have not yet received First Communion and/or Confirmation?

Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic faith?

Come to learn more of what being a Catholic is all about!
Classes will resume on Wednesday September 18th between 7 and 8:30 PM in the Parish Hall

What is OCIA?

OCIA is the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults. It is a process by which a person becomes initiated into the full sacramental life of the Catholic Church through weekly instruction.

Who is OCIA for?

OCIA is designed for unbaptized adults, adults baptized in another Christian tradition who are now interested in becoming Catholic, or baptized Catholics who are not fully initiated (need First Communion and/or Confirmation)

To register—-call the OCIA Coordinator, Phil Girardi, at 703-435-9116 or visit the parish web site at  Looking forward to seeing you!

Who is OCIA for?

  • Unbaptized Adults
  • Baptized in another Christian tradition who are now interested in becoming Catholic.
  • Baptized Catholics who are not fully initiated (need First Communion or Confirmation)

Please complete the short form below, and our coordinators will contact you with more information.

I want to learn more about becoming Catholic!

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Contact the Coordinator

RCIA Inquiry

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