Synod-Listening-Session-Participant-Handout-1 (1)
Our Lady of Hope wants to invite you to come to our Listening Session,which will take place on March 23rd. from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm in the church. We also encourage you to invite anyone you may know who has fallen away from the practice of the faith, and anyone who is spiritually or materially marginalized.
To register please click on the link located on the far right of your screen.
The in person session is limited to 200 registrations at this time.
You may join the Live Stream if you rather not come in person, registration is unlimited.
In person Listening Session Registration Portal
Virtual Listening Session Registration Portal
Thank you for participating in the Our Lacy of Hope Synod Listening Session. We value your feedback. Please create bulleted responses to any or all of the following six questions. NOTE: If you have received this form and were not able to attend the Synod Listening Session, we ask that you do not complete it until you are able to participate in a Listening Session. To meet the requirements of the Diocese, to have your responses included, we need this form with your answers to be returned within 2 days after the Listening Session.
FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONS A synodal Church, in announcing the Gospel, “journeys together,” by proclaiming,
celebrating, and living the Gospel as we make our way to the Promised Land of Heaven.
1. What experiences of “journeying together” in your diocese and parish bring you joy and hope?
2. What difficulties and obstacles have you encountered to “journeying together” in your diocese and parish?
3. How do we most effectively witness to the truth, goodness, and beauty of the Gospel?
4. How effective are we in our three-fold mission of proclaiming and teaching the faith, of celebrating the
liturgy and sacraments, and of service in charity?
5. How do all the members of the Church–laity and clergy–collaborate in their common mission?
6. How well do we dialogue–listen attentively and speak up candidly–within the Church and with the wider